Editing Services

Getting a book project edited can be a difficult, frightening, and confusing process. The countless “rules” almost all claim to be universal, which is a problem when they so often contradict each other. Even publishers and editors who claim to use the same standard—APA style for example—will, almost always, have different takes on said standard.

Further, writing a fiction project is a long, difficult process that takes up huge amounts of mental and emotional energy, usually over years—kind of like raising a puppy. Sending that manuscript to an editor, especially one you don’t know, can feel like the puppy you’ve just finished training, who licks your face in the morning and gives you warm, happy feelings everyday, just got shipped to the home of a stranger who may or may not eat dogs.

Finally, there are simply a lot of editors who won’t fit your needs. Some are overly aggressive, and wipe out your voice. Some are not aggressive enough and somehow frget to fxi you’s typoes. Even the best editors need time to cue into your needs and that adjustment can be difficult.

Here at J&B, we are committed to providing you a flexible, tailored editing experience to fit your individual needs. We start with a short interview, where we identify your specific goals, determine the level of modification to which you are willing to subject your manuscript, and determine the style of edit you need. We offer developmental edits, copy edits, edits focused on logic and flow, and edits to help you meet certain style guides or demands, depending on your needs. Further, we are committed to maintaining open communication with all our clients, and can adjust any of the parameters mentioned above according to your preferences.

Contact us directly to request samples of our editing.

Otherwise, submit your manuscript for pricing and consultation:
